Clubs chosen by the extraordinary senses of professional golfers

Clubs chosen by
the extraordinary senses of professional golfers
The senses of professional golfers are purely amazing. There are legend-like stories of being able to distinguish a mere difference of 1g in club weight, but even an amateur golfer with keenness can notice differences of 2 to 3g. But in addition to difference in weight, professionals can also sense the most subtle differences, including shaft flex, clubhead actions, and change in feel when the ball is hit.
Compared to male professionals, female players are more often assumed to be less knowledgeable about clubs and swings. But even if a professional golfer lacks knowledge, their sensitivity toward differences remains the same. Whether or not what they are looking for can be put into words, they sense differences between clubs and choose their preferred club accurately.
And no matter how uninterested a professional golfer is toward clubs, she will choose clubs that are right for her because she has preferences in feel, trajectory, and maneuverability. Their senses are truly supernatural, with extraordinary sensitivity toward differences. These women undeniably possess genius senses.

PROTOCONCEPT has been tested by many international players, and as a result, around 10 professionals, both male and female, are currently using its clubs on the PGA and USLPGA Tours. More than a few players have switched from the models of major manufacturers that many international professionals choose. There was also a big-name player who tested PROTOCONCEPT clubs and liked them, but unfortunately had contracts that made their use difficult.
A player also has been landing a series of top ten finishes soon after switching to PROTOCONCEPT. As a brand that is not so well known in Japan domestically, I am honestly very happy that we have been surprisingly well received at the pinnacle of the games, the US Pro Golf Tours.
The great results are, of course, due to the exceptional skills of the players and hard work they have put in. However, I am proud the performance PROTOCONCEPT provides led to stimulating their senses and bringing out potentials sought in terms of the feel of the club, feel of distance, trajectory control performance, and the feel and sound when hit that facilitate their image of the ball.

PROTOCONCEPT develops clubs with the concepts of appealing to golfers’ senses, being capable of meeting the toughest demands, and delivering results in terms of score making on the course. And what we are seeing is that professional golfers, gifted with exceptional sensitivity, resonated with these concepts first.
With that said, PROTOCONCEPT’s clubs have not been developed for professionals. They are designed to garner good feedback for amateur golfers in general who want to improve their game. However, I believe the feel chosen by professionals will also be recognized by many of you as well.
Yasufumi Kawasaki