Appreciated by Male Pros: The Essential Performances of Golf Clubs

Appreciated by Male Pros: The Essential Performances of Golf Clubs
PROTOCONCEPT is currently experiencing an exhilarating phase with our newly released C01TB ic and C03TC irons. The reception has been so positive that keeping up with production is our delightful challenge. This acceptance of our innovative design philosophy by many is a source of great pride for us at PROTOCONCEPT.
The professional golf scene has also shown a keen interest in our irons. Notably, Hirotaro Naito has been using them in his games on the Japanese tour. Though we rarely engage in extensive seeding at Japanese tours, Naito chose to test our clubs and immediately found a preference for them.
His initial pick, the C03TC cavity back, elicited a compelling response: "The moment I addressed, it felt good for the first time in a while. I was very excited to try it out, as it felt easy to address perfectly," Naito expressed. His experience highlights the intuitive appeal and performance of our clubs.
Our design approach at PROTOCONCEPT encompasses various elements, notably the center of gravity design tailored to each club. But as professionals like Naito affirm, our focus is firmly on the essential features and functions of golf clubs. We believe that unless the basics – the beauty of the shape, the ease of stance, the feel, and the sound upon impact – are maintained at a sophisticated level, a club cannot deliver optimal performance.

Naito's current choice, the C01TB ic with an inner ceramic, is particularly interesting. This muscleback model is favored for its spin control, which is crucial for professionals' play. The C01TB ic, offering forgiveness and easier ball elevation, seems to align perfectly with Naito's powerful style, which is amongst the most potent on the tour.

Ryuji Imada, another professional golfer, has also transitioned to the C01TB ic. He participated in the ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP using our previous model, the C01.
Imada notes, "Compared to the previous model, the new club is easier to raise the ball and carry a higher trajectory, making mastering the game course easier. The feel, of course, is great when hit, and I can experience the satisfying feel of the ball being absorbed to the face at impact. Changing to the C01TB ic made control shots feel easier and more in control."
As Imada's feedback shows, the C01TB ic’s use of internal ceramic delivers performance that single-material musclebacks cannot match, while still pursuing the comfortable feel and controllability sought in a muscleback by professionals and advanced golfers.

We at PROTOCONCEPT take pride in being the choice of professionals with a long history of success, despite our limited direct support for professionals. This preference, we believe, is not just because they seek performance but also because they value the fundamental aspects and sensory performance that only a thoughtfully designed club can provide.
Yasufumi Kawasaki